Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 41 – Iringa to Mbeya

Denise's Lion
All this Game spotting is both boring and tiring

Some of the game combinations were very photogenic
We get away at around 09h00am and Denise and I are determined that we do not get fined for speeding and as a result we get to Mbeya at 02h00pm not bad at an average of 55kmph but we were stopped at 5 police checks that had police radar units, the locals call them “hairdryers” and at least another 3 checks where they ask for “help” short for money, insurance, pass the time of day and I am convinced Sinead got us through two of them with her charm and personality.

These incidents contribute hugely to the time to travel as well as the many villages en route, where even if you want to go faster you cannot, due to people, motorbikes, cars, cyclists and above all trucks, trucks and more trucks.
Blind Rise, Blind Corner; what the hell

The road is not too bad, but we are pleased to get this leg of our journey over as it does become a bit stressful.

Denise has had a bite on her arm a couple of days ago that could be anything it is inflamed, swollen and hot too the touch and it is now very itchy, other than that she is well, we have all had our share of mosquito bites, tse tse fly bites and other bites that could be sand fleas, or some other creepy crawly.

Tanzania is still the cleanest country we have had the pleasure of visiting on our trip to date, but what we can say is that the people everywhere have been very friendly and most helpful with very few exceptions.

We are very proud to tell you that we have kept to our timetable up to now and Malawi should be a breeze. We are told here at Utengule Coffee Farm Lodge in Mbeya that it will take us an hour to get to the border, 2 hours to cross and I estimate another hour to the first of three stops in Malawi.

I hope to ascertain what the situation is like in Mozambique over the next couple of days, we will not take any chances if there is one iota of doubt and our fall back is return via Zambia and Botswana or Zambia and Zimbabwe, and still arrive back home on 4th September.

Happy birthday Dot we trust you had a great one and may there be many, many more to come.  

Wheat ready for harvest outside Mbeya

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