Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 38 – Selous to Mikumi

We get away from Selous River Camp at close on 08h00am and say farewell to Belinda and Jason the Camp Managers who have looked after us very well. We have to go through the Selous Reserve to get to our next destination and we are told that there is a short cut and at the gate I get some directions from a driver who is making the same trip and tells us to follow him, but we want to go and find the elusive perhaps mythical wild dogs so decline.

Well we do not get to see any type of dog, but Claudia spots a female lion right in front of the car, we found it unusual for this female to be on her own and within minutes Denise spots the male, both animals magnificent specimens. We see a fair amount of game but still below expectations, perhaps we are spoilt.

I am telling Denise which road to take using the compass as a guide when suddenly we run out of road and have to return down our tracks and we eventually exit the Reserve at 2h00pm, but with my shortcut in mind I do not see a problem in getting to Mikumi by around 5h00pm.

On arriving at the village where our shortcut starts and after asking several people, giving panado to a lady who looked very sick, giving jelly sweets to a dozen kids we get on a track that could not be termed a road, but we are assured that the track does indeed take us to Mikumi. After a few kilometres we find that we are running next to the Tanzam railway line so we bash on, the road track becomes a cattle track, sometimes almost disappears and we think we see what are another car tracks, then we think they may just be the couple of motor cycles that have past us going in the other direction, it is too late to turn back and the railway must go somewhere.

3 hours later we drive into a ranger post, now for the last hour we have not seen man or beast, just tse tse fllies that invade the car whenever we open a window or a door and these little creatures have a very stingy bite. The Ranger in charge wants us to register our details and in the usual Swahili fashion tells us it is only 35kms to the gate, 60kms later we drive into another rangers post and have to register again and he also tells us that another 30kms on a good road we will see the park HQ and a hotel were we exit the park and pay for the day.

Another hour passes and it is getting dark and we see no sign of human habitation and we hit the mountains, Denise tells me there is a hell of a drop on her side and we are going up and down steep inclines and declines and it is getting darker, suddenly we spot some lights and it is just before 07h00pm then the lights start moving and we think there are cars coming towards us and out of the dark appears a boom that is unmanned and we go through and there is the main road and we are a few kms out of Mikumi town and we have not seen the HQ or the Hotel.

The drive into Mikumi through the Mikumi National Park is a little hair raising with the heavy vehicles, speed bumps designed to slow trucks down and save animal life, we have a truck coming towards us with lights on full beam and there right on the side of the road is a couple of zebra and we miss their backsides by a whisker.

Are we glad to reach Tan Swiss Lodge where we are greeted and asked if we want to order dinner and it will be ready when we have had a shower and freshened up. It is definitely double brandy time, but we made it in 5 hours and although we saved 200kms it probably took us the same time; the difference in going the longer route is at least we would know where we are. So if nothing else we set a record for being lost in two parks the Selous and Mikumi in one day. We think the misunderstanding was that the persons who told us about the shortcut thought we were going to Mikumi National Park and not Mikumi Town.

The outcome is that Denise has boycotted all further shortcuts.

Have some great photo's will post at a venue which has a faster connection. 

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