Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 34 - Mkoma Bay to Dar es Salaam

Sunrise at aptly named Sunrise Beach Resort - Dar es Salaam

Granny with Granddaughter  who loves water but not the sea
Day 34

We get away by 07h30 after arranging an early breakfast and the road up to Muheza is very good sand road and we make good time and we are contemplating a lunch time arrival, but how wrong we are.

The road to Dar from Muheza is a pretty good tar and after I have completed 200kms Denise takes the wheel and we experience the might of the Tanzania police when we are pulled over again. This time Denise was purported to have been exceeding the speed limit of 50kmph allegedly travelling at 69kmph, which she vigorously denies, but to no avail. We have figured it out; you cannot win, although there is a pattern to where the speed limit changes you cannot bank on it and whether it is deliberate or not we will never know, one thing is certain they are definitely looking for a pay off and we have resisted. What we do know is that Denise was not speeding as we could not have gone over their bumps at that speed and in fact it is hell going over at 30kmph, but what can you do.

Eventually we get to the outskirts of Dar and it looks like a city under siege as they are constructing a Rapid Bus Transit Service, which entails dedicated lanes, I guess it took us 2 hours to get to the Likoni Ferry with buses coming down the wrong side of the road, motor cycles travelling this way and that way and the Dala Dala’s (Tuk Tuk’s) putting their and their passengers lives at risk.

That was not the end of our long day, we wait another 2 hours to get on the ferry so our 12 0’clock arrival went out to 4 O’clock arrival at Sunrise Holiday Resort and after checking in we have three different curries and all of them were delicious. We are only here for one night, but it was more than adequate.      

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