Monday 12 August 2013

Day 28 & 29 Tsavo West National Park - Kenya

Up Close and Personal with "Lucy"

My Body Will Never be the Same Again
Some shots of us at the Giraffe Centre above.
Underwater View of Fish at Mzima Springs - Tsavo West

We got away from Limuru at 09h00 and being a Sunday we managed to get to and through Nairobi in an hour, must have set some sort of record. Other than the hair raising overtaking that is employed in Kenya where solid yellow lines are ignored with impunity we made good time to Mtito Andei where we turned off into the Tsavo West National Park.

In short I am very disappointed with the game in this park, which in the 60's on a trip from Nairobi to Mombasa the children would at the start guess how many Elephant we would see  and it was anything between 100 and 200 and that is on the main road that bisects the park by 1974 it would be in single numbers, well it does not appear to have recovered as we have seen more from our accommodation than we have seen in the Park. Granted the bush is very thick and the Park is huge, but I do not think we have got value for money on this one.

The saving grace is the scenery and although we have not seen Kilimanjaro the other mountains in the area and the lava flows, trees, palms and bird life on the river banks have made up for the lack of game.

We leave for Mombasa tomorrow and are looking forward to some time chilling with a cold Tusker (Beer) on the beach.

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