Wednesday 4 September 2013

Day 49 – Vilankulo in Vilankulos, Mozambique

View from our Abode

Les Girls on Vilankulo Beach

We were in the bottom floor of this Villa
We have decided to stay here for 3 days before we move on to Inhambane and our first priority is to get some Meticais and some provisions plus we have to see if we still know how to cook.

What a morning the banks are packed it is almost like there is a run on the banks I go to two others before I decide that Barclays is the least busy, I will never complain again about SA bank services I stood in the queue for over an hour with one teller and 15 clients or should I say mugs waiting in a line.

The girls have done a little shopping and they say we should get some Portuguese rolls at the bakery, but there is another queue there as well, I decide it cannot take that long, but I get to within two of being served when the rolls run out, 5 minutes the shop assistant says, which runs to 30 minutes and I am getting the hell in with others getting the two in front of me to buy their rolls now I am not talking a dozen or two, but 4 to 8 dozen. I cannot speak Portuguese, but hell I got my message across. I have now spent the whole morning in queues at the Bank and the Bakery; there must be a lesson in there somewhere. By the way the rolls were really good.

It is very windy today, but it is certainly a slice of paradise, warm to hot days, long beaches, calm waters, the Bazaruto Islands in sight, the vibe in the markets all in all a great place to be.

We have bought some giant tiger prawns for around R130 per kg and we have them for supper in garlic butter, excellent fare and we have not forgotten how to cook, certainly no one will want to speak to us tomorrow. It is the land of barter and one never knows the going rate until they refuse to negotiate any further. One should always bring old shoes and shirts to this neck of the woods as they are great barter items


  1. Hi what an experience you have and are still having. Have been checking every two days and am delighted to read that you are all safe and well and everything is going along quite nicely,even if there is a bump or two.
    we are both well, have had our niece from wellington staying for 4 days and really nice to catch up. am looking forward to seeing Rachael on the 19th for one week, the time will fly I am sure but will be making the most of every moment.
    Travel well dear people and stay safe.
    love and best wishes
    from the Kiwi clan xox

  2. Hi there Happy Travellers!!
    Goodness what a trip you are having. I keep checking in every week and didn't realize I could comment!! Technology - what a wonderful thing. When will you be heading back to SA?
    Enjoy the rest of your trip and come home safe and sound.

