Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 10 & 11 – Flatdogs in the South Luwangwa – Zambia

Another Beautiful Sunrise in Africa

Our House at Flatdogs

Last night was full of typical bush night noises, and with Elephants and Hippo’s roaming freely through the camp, so much so that we have to signal the dining room with a torch and they then send a watchman to escort us to dinner. Flatdogs is a very nice camp situated on the South side of the Luwangwa River and just outside the entrance to the park, but there is no barrier to game walking across the bridge or crossing the river especially now that it is not very deep.

Residents of Mfuwe do get Elephants raiding their meagre crops and Lions have been known to take goats and chickens, but I was also a victim at our first breakfast when a Vervet Monkey in a flash came down a tree and snatched a muffin off my plate, one has to be very careful and it is not tourist talk, Denise and I went for a early morning game drive and as we walked out the door with the watchman an Elephant was grazing not 5 metres from the door.

We relaxed yesterday only going down to a little factory that is making printed textiles that are really excellent, we were taken on a guided tour of the factory, which was started by a lady from Britain to create employment in the area, it is called Tribal Textiles and it would appear they are doing very well making to order and employing over 20 people.

The food at the lodge has been excellent and just goes to show what can be achieved out in the bush 130kms away from the nearest town.

We were a bit disappointed with the game drive and granted the park is over 9000 sq kms but at this time of year when most of the game is supposed to be close to the river it certainly did not come up to our expectation. We saw a Leopard and probably the highlight was a baby giraffe a few hours old with its mother, the little thing could hardly stand, we were fortunate as we had gone to see why a Batleur Eagle had gone to ground and the guide said it was probably looking for the after birth.

Proud Mum and Baby
Leopard in Luwangwa
The volume of game was very low like 1 Buffalo, 10 Elephant, 1 Leopard a fair amount of Puku, Impala, Bushbuck and Waterbuck and quite a lot of birdlife as I said earlier we were disappointed as the park had some rave reviews, but perhaps we were a unlucky and at the best of times game spotting is a bit of a lottery.

We need to prepare and load the vehicle for a tough 180kms 4x4 route tomorrow through the park from South to North to Mpika on the Great North Road and then onwards about 80kms North of Mpika where we will spend two nights at Shiwa Ngandu, we cross several dry deep sand river beds and climb up a very rocky escarpment before we reach civilisation. Tyres are to be deflated for the sand, but I am confident that “Salama” will get us there safely.

How do you like my hair do
The Ladies are all behaving themselves and we are having a great time, but talking of time it is going so fast already 10 days has passed, but we have seen and done so much it seems like 3 days.

After two days in Shiwa Ngandu we head for the Tanzania border to Utengule Coffee Lodge near Mbeya for one night and the Old Farmhouse at Iringa also for one night.

"Do not leave me Mummy

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